Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hey, it's NOT just us....

Here's a great little article from EW where they interview Heroes creator Tim Kring.

What's wrong with Heroes?

It's funny that even the creator of the show thinks the show sucks right now. : )

Even funnier, he touches on the same things that has bothered all of us with this season.

And, even better, he promises to fix it when they eventually get to do "episode three," which, of course, is entirely dependent on when the writers strike ends.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Bad News and A Preview...

The writer's strike may kill Heroes for the season. Rumor has it a new ending being shot for season 2 - in case it ends up being the season finale.

As we've heard, the current storyline was set to wrap up at episode 11, and then the next storyline would pick up in the spring.

Also, because of the writer's strike, NBC has scrapped the Origins mini-series.

I found these tidbits on this site:

Be warned before going into this site: it has a trailer for next week's episode (and there are some juicy tidbits in it).

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Episode 206 "The Line"


What do you think about Extra Ordinary?
What the the vector for the worldwide disease? Is it Sylar and Maia or is it the Company and their anti-hero serum?
Did we know the invisible mans name prior to this episode? Claude.

add your thoughts...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bad Math?

Don't read if you haven't watched last night's episode yet...

From the beginning of the season, we've been told there were originally 30 of them, but only 9 of them were left. We're led to believe that they are the original group of heroes from back in the day.

In addition, we know someone is trying to finish them off, and he's sending them snippets of a picture taken when they were together.

Last week, we learned that Parkman's father is among the group, and that he may be the "nightmare man" that haunts Molly.

We learn this week that his dad does indeed have powers, like Parkman, but he has taken the ability much much further. He is the nightmare man. And, at the end of the Parkman storyline, they find another picture with the mark on it. It's Bob, one of the others still alive, which implies that Parkman's dad is the one offing the others.

Since he can induce nightmares at any time in anyone, that makes sense. He created one for Ando and Hiro's dad that showed a figure pushing him off the roof. From a complete outsider's perspective, maybe we would have seen Hiro's dad back himself up to the edge and over the roof. It also explains how he could get to Mrs. Petrelli in the middle of a police station and escape. He wasn't there. He pulled a "freddy" and induced some type of nightmare.

But, here's something else. In the beginning of the episode, they give us a glimpse of the complete photo of the "nine." I froze it and counted. This is what I came up with:

From Left to Right

Linderman (dead)
Charles (dead)
Petrelli Sr. (presumed dead)
Mrs. Petrelli
Hiro's Dad (dead)
Unknown Male
Unknown Male
Unknown Female
Parkman's Dad

So, we've got 10 people in the photo, with three unknowns. But, we know that three of these guys are dead before the beginning of the season. That leaves seven.

If there are truly nine left (well, eight), then who are the others? We know who three of them are. We have images of three more, but that leaves two unknowns.

Is the invisible guy one of them? Let's assume he is, but that still leaves one left.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Previous showing of the Boogeyman?

Some Truthers and I were having lunch the other day and I started a discussion about how I think that the 5 years in the future vision we've been shown could still happen given everything that's happened. All the elements are still there for it to occur. But, I digress to the real meat of this post. During that discussion, I remembered a scene from the 3rd episode of season one. In it, Parkman is being taken down to Molly by Audrey. As they exit the elevator, they realize something's not right and Audrey yells "It's Sylar!" And we're taken on a chase and certainly led to believe it is this mystery man the show has been giving glimpses about up to that point.

Fast forward to what we know now and how that scene played out. When Audrey comes around the corner and tells "Sylar" to freeze, the man turns around and forces Audrey to hold the gun to her head. Then Matt runs around the corner and plugs 4 shots into the chest of the man in the shadows and he drops. This releases Audrey and after Matt turns around from checking on her, "Sylar" is gone seemingly vanishing into thin air.

I present that this man wasn't Sylar at all and is the Boogeyman we're looking for now. My evidence is 2 fold. First, Sylar has no way to survive 4 bullets to the chest. Before you use that he could have stopped them with his TK, I say that they certainly hit him and they knocked him down. Second, Sylar hasn't shown a way to escape like the man in that scene did. The only time we've seen that escape style since is when whomever went after Angela in the police station. That presumably being the Boogeyman. Also, the Boogeyman would definitely have a use for Molly. Oh, and Molly says in that scene at the FBI, "How did he find me? How did he find me?". Given what we know about what happens when Molly thinks about the Boogeyman, I think that's even stronger evidence.

I have another theory that the Boogeyman is possibly Takezo Kensei since we don't know if those who can regenerate can ever really die. I mean, if my organs can constantly regenerate, then they'll never wear out and I'd be immortal. That theory is pretty far fetched, but I feel pretty confident in my theory about us already having been shown the Boogeyman. What do you guys think?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

LOST Season 4 Info

We interrupt the start of Heroes with some LOST news. The guys over at SCI FI Wire interviewed the producers of LOST and got a few spoilers. I won't post them here, but if your interested, here's the article: link .

Monday, October 1, 2007

Lizard -or- "Claire, keep your body parts off the floor!"


We've seen the second episode, and sadly, the teaser from last week showed a lot of stuff that wasn't in this week's episode...

Like Sylar...
or Nikki/Jessica (not that we really miss her/them)

I had to digest it for a bit, mainly because I was trying to remember why Parkman, Nathan, and Ando don't remember each other -- They were all in the finale, right?

Not really... Ando was in Japan at that point. Parkman had been shot long before Nathan dropped in and flew off with Peter. So, they may know names, but not faces.

The bad guy who is after the nine (er, eight - almost seven) - appears to be another person with multiple powers.

But the most startling revelation of the show: Nathan & Peter's mom was getting it on with Sulu at some point!!! And do we get a glimpse of her power? I'm not sure. I would argue that her statement to Parkman could be simply that she's been exposed to mind readers in the past and knows how to resist them.

Nice to see more of the Peter story developing. At this point, to me, it's the only interesting story arc. Plus, we have a cute Irish lass in the story now as well. : )

Right now, I'm hoping Hiro's story has a twist somewhere. The Claire storyline is waiting for something to happen (although we got our first clue about more paintings this week). Claire gets bored and tests her powers (again), and gets caught by her new stalker. And, I am very "meh" about the twins.

What about the car? Apparently the new Nissan Rogue is so hot that people can't wait to steal it. I would think that if it has a nifty system to detect when you have the key in your pocket to unlock the car, the same would work in reverse (automatically locking the car when you were far enough way).

Oh, here's something to ponder. There's a shot of Peter looking in the mirror. Is it just me, or does the new haircut now give him a striking resemblance to Sylar?

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Thoughts on the Premier

It's been a week since my wife and I watched the premier and I've used that time to think over how I felt it went. I think that overall, it was "uneven". I say that because after my somewhat let-down at the ending of last season, I was hoping for a nice explosive jump from the gate. It seemed more like a "hey, we're back, and here's a bunch of new questions...and oh yeah, here's Peter."

I'm not that excited about Hiro's storyline, but I do have some hope for it. I think the best part so far was that his hero is actually English and not Japanese. It was fairly weak to use Molly's teacher to let us know Matt was divorced. How should she know all the things she knew about Molly's homelife?

Shouldn't Nathan be in Congress or something? I've talked to a couple of people who are having problems with him dropping straight down into a deep depression like that. I can see it though with a character that was high strung, having the things happen that happened, causing him to downward spiral.

They are definitely pushing this new boogeyman and whatever is going after the old generation. I'm going to go out a limb and say they are one and same. The new twins and their powers will be focus of this week's episode I believe, that should be interesting. Oh, and the plot with "midas", or as I can only think of him "NED! NED RYERSON?", seems also promising.

I guess in the end, I didn't feel like the plot made and leaps forward, just kind walked out of the gate. Things need to pick up this week since this volume is supposed to wrap by Christmas.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

On the eve of Volume 2

Here we sit on the eve of the Volume 2 premier of Heroes. We have some unanswered questions going into it like what happened to Nathan and Peter? What happened to Sylar? Who's the big bad boogeyman? WHo has Hiro run into in ancient Japan? How did Linderman know that having Jessica and DL have a baby would create the power in Micah?

I'm hoping the intro episode takes care of several of these, but I figure the boogeyman question will be the focus of this volume. And since it's being called "Generations", I'm also hoping we learn about the abilities of the parents of those heroes we currently know.

What are you guys ( and gals ) looking forward to this year?

Unaired Pilot Episode

If you have bought the Heroes Season 1 DVD set, on the first disk is the unaired original version of the pilot. About 85% of this episode is the same as the first episode ( but it contains parts of the first 3 ), which one major plot difference. In this version, there's a whole terrorist angle for the cause of the bomb in New York. This replaces the Molly Walker portion of the plot, but leaves in Matt Parkman. In this version, Parkman finds a terrorist hidden in the house where he will find Molly in the actual version of the show. In fact, they apparently recast his wife and cop buddy for the final version of the show. And instead of Detective, he's trying to make the SWAT team.

My wife and I both agree this version of the story is not nearly as interesting as the one that aired. Having the terrorists being the source of the bomb would have been very tired. The one thing that struck us is that they went through all this production and after viewing realized they needed to change it. I need to listen to the commentary on that episode to see what they might have to say about why they changed it.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Welcome to Huzaifa

welcome to our newest contributing editor!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

How to Stop an Exploding Man

So, that's the end of the first season, er, Volume. So my idea didn't come to fruition, but I'm still confused how Hiro, with the changes made in the past by saving the cheerleader, still went to a bad future?

Most everything was resolved, except for a few minor things, like, who can't Molly think of? What went down the manhole? What's Hiro doing in ancient Japan? ( seriously, he really needs to hone his use of time travel ) What exactly happened with Nathan and Peter? Why do all the people who can see the future see the bomb still going off and it being Peter? Or were the flashes in Sylar's eyes that vision that he knew he would be killed?

This has been a great week catching up. It's like how my wife and I got sucked into LOST. We missed the first half the season, but caught up mid-way through via the magic of Tivo ( we had every episode but the pilot, and it re-ran during the winter break, so over Christmas we caught up ). The rush is being able to immediately go to another episode after a good cliffhanger helps hook you even better than having to wait the week.

But this season, we'll be watching in time. Can't wait until the 24th.


Alrighty, all the pieces are in place. Although I have a snag now that Sylar went after Ted's power and got it. Also, Peter is nowhere near to Candice. ( Side note, what does Candice really look like? )

I think Hiro's dad is who Linderman was speaking of when he talked about those in the past who tried to heal the world using their powers but failed and gave up. Although I don't see him as a quitter. I'm a little scared for Ando since he's decided to go after Sylar. I think his destiny is still to die. It would give Hiro more reason to want to kill Sylar.

I didn't pick up in an earlier episode when Bennett said the name of the new tracking system was the "Walker System". I had remember Molly's name, but didn't connect them. But, I did call the use of Micah about 15 minutes before it was shown.

Ok, final episode is next, and we'll be all caught up. I'm hoping most of the missing pieces are filled in, but I suspect that only the most important are. Gotta leave some things for next season.

The Hard Part

Good episode and my theory is starting to hold more water. It's definitely apparent that Linderman ( who I still believe is behind The Company ) wants the explosion to happen so that he can control the world through Nathan. Sylar is looking like he really doesn't want to blow up and kill that many people, but using his mother's blood sees that "he can be president".

Peter now has Ted's power, which is another step along the road for things to go the way I think they will. But for my theory to work, Peter is going to need Candice's power so that he can look like Sylar when Hiro stabs him. Although at this point, Hiro should know that the real Sylar doesn't have the regeneration ability. I'll be interested to see if things play out this way and how Hiro reacts to that.

I'm also interested to see what causes Nathan's polls to go from losing to "landslide". I'm also interested in how Linderman uses Molly's ability to find people.

Only two more episodes and I'm starting to think that I've got all these great ideas, and in the next 80 minutes of TV, they are going to get blow apart ( figuratively that is ).

Five Years Gone

What a trippy episode. Showing us how the future turns out if they don't stop the explosion is very interesting. Most of my questions remain, but a couple of new ones popped up.

At what point did Sylar kill Nathan and take his power? Was it before the explosion or after? At what point did he kill Candice to take her shape-shifting power?

Also, there's a paradox problem with the timeline. If Claire has survived in this 5 years forward, that means that Sylar couldn't have regenerated and would be dead since Hiro supposedly stabs him in the past. But since we also know that it's actually Peter that blows up, I wonder if Peter had been near Candice to get her shape-shifting power to make himself look like Sylar before he blew up? Thus convincing Hiro it was Sylar all along and making him believe he had the cheerleader's power?

I'm still convinced that they are trying to show it's impossible to change the future. But I'm guessing since we don't want the future painted in this episode to come true, that Hiro will have to find a way to really change it.

Only 3 more episodes for this to play out. It might be a late night.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Finished the 19th episode ".07%" this afternoon. (Yes macelangelo, that means I have my own copy now, thanks for the loaners ) And now things are really starting to come together, at least a little.

Now that Sylar has taken Isaac's power, it appears he can't use it quite as well as Isaac ( or even Peter ) could. That makes me wonder if Sylar doesn't absorb the powers correctly?

Linderman seems to know the future, but also noted that "the plan has started to unravel", which says to me that what he's been told via paintings or other knowledge is being changed. That challenges my idea that changes can't happen by altering the past.

I'm also wondering if both parents need to have powers for the child to have powers? Nathan's two boys haven't been shown to have powers yet. But Claire certainly does.

Hiro has run into himself ( or at least, we think it's him ) 5 years in the future. Shouldn't that cause a time rift? Or is it really Hiro?

What is Micah's power exactly and why does Linderman need it? My guess is that it's the ability to use any electronics or make them do what you want. What Linderman needs with that, I don't know.

Only 4 more episodes left. I think it's going to be a wild ride.

Catching up with Heroes

My wife and I both missed the boat on watching Heroes while it was going on last season, but with all my friends here at SnaggleTruth talking about it, I decided that we should give it a try once it hit DVD. That time has come and in the past week, we've watched the first 18 episodes of the series. We're both hooked and were so after about 3 episodes. The writing is great and gives an excellent story to follow and guess at. I can now see why Heroes was being talked about way more than LOST.

I got a suggestion from a couple of others here at SnaggleTruth to write down my predictions and observations from my first watching of the first season since I have no idea what's going to happen or anything like that. I thought that was a good idea, so I'm going to run with it.

Up till this point, I've gotten a few things right after some clues where left around. At first, the show wants to make you think Mr. Bennett is Sylar, but I recognized he wasn't ( even before the Sylar reveal ) because when he took in "special" people, he sent them back home and didn't, you know, chop the top of their heads off and eat their brains. I also noticed pretty quickly that Peter's power was to absorb the power of those around him without that nasty need to eat their brain.

The most stunning 2 reveals for me were that Nathan is Claire's father and when Hiro stops time to give Peter the "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" message on the Subway. That scene was awesome and also ended an episode! So we had to watch the next one.

The last episode we watched last night was our first actual view of Linderman, Claire's dad has had his memory messed with, but at the same time, the Company knows that he might now where Claire is after using the shape-shifter ( which I called her power when a now alive Simone walked through the door ).

Questions remaining:

Why is that the only name Mr. Bennett has is Mr. Bennett? Even when they reveal his license, it just says "Bennett" on the name line. Also, the writers made a point of pointing it out when Sylar asks Mrs. Bennett "when she expects Mr. Bennett home?" and her reply is "You all call him that? I just knew him as..." and something interrupts her. Very strange.

Did saving the cheerleader from Sylar at Homecoming save the world? I don't think so, I think she needs further saving. I think Isaac was painting the future we saw play out and that there's something else that she needs to be saved from. Maybe the Company?

Who is The Company? Who runs it from the top? My guess here is Linderman, but for what purposes, I don't know.

Can Hiro use his power to change the future by making changes in the past? The show has gone to a couple of great lengths to show us so far Hiro hasn't been able to make any changes. I'm guessing that the answer here is "maybe".

Will they be able to stop Peter from blowing up? And what ultimately makes him blow up? He's currently training to learn to control his powers, so I'm wondering what might go wrong.

So now, I'm going to try and post after each episode my changing thoughts and questions.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Harold Perrineau returning to LOST

I'm a little late on this, but Harold Perrineau ( Michael ) will be returning to his role next season on LOST. ( link )

This brings up a lot of interesting possibilities. I wonder if that means he's in flashbacks? Or if he and possibly Walt are going to come skipping back to the island? Or maybe there's some "post island" stuff we'll see much like in the season finale.

So many more questions...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Let's Get LOST

Ok, time to bring some LOST questions to this blog. Although this post will be light, I'm going to try and get through all this Heroes talk to bring forth crazy LOST theories.

So, what does everyone think about the season finale? Why does Future Jack want to get back on the island so bad after fighting so hard to get off it? That's my central question at this point.

Welcome to Patrick!

The ever changing and astoundingly dynamic blog that is has added a new contributing author. Momma's lock up yer daughters! (from what we hear, yer son's are relatively safe ;)


Saturday, May 26, 2007


So, we know that "book 2" is going to look into generations. The last few episodes have shown us that these abilities (or at least, the chance to have them) has been passed from parent to child.

We know of four family lines that demonstrate this:
1) Molly's family - one of her parents had ice powers
2) The Petrellis - The mother has some sort of "influencing" ability. Peter and Nathan have powers, and Claire has powers.
3) DL/Niki and their son Micah all have powers
4) Hiro and his father. We haven't seen exactly what Hiro's father can do, but he seems to be perfectly aware of Hiro's power.

This would lend itself to suggest that all of the characters we've seen have inherited their powers from their parents.
At the same, there are others who have powers that are unknown to the groups looking for them, which are:
1) Linderman
2) The "agency" that Claire's dad work(s)(ed) for
3) Suresh

We know Parkman, Ted and cyber-chick, did not exhibit their abilities until after they were "captured" by Claire's dad. What we don't know is:
1) Did they have the powers initially and the agency somehow triggered them?
2) Did the agency give them their powers?

Another fun thing to consider. How are Linderman and the "agency" locating these people?
Linderman may have been part of the earlier generation of heroes - so he can track some of them through family ties. We also know that Linderman is working with the Petrelli's mother.
They have created the plot to put Nathan into power. He also knows about Niki and DL, and somehow knows that their son Micah will have the power he needs to rig the election. How does he know this? We know powers are passed on from parent to child, but so far, the power inherited appears to be random. So, could it be that there's another character, like Issac, who can see the future?

More Questions

Here are a couple of more questions to ponder regarding Sylar.
1) What was his first power?
2) Did he have powers initially? I could have sworn that in the first couple of episodes Suresh's father had performed some type of test on Sylar and it was negative.
3) If question 2 was false - and he did not have powers at first, how did he get them?

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I am still 2 episodes behind (thank you TIVO!), but here are my answers.

1) Sylar used two powers (cold and TK) while visiting his mom, but he seemed to lose control of the TK. Could it be that concentration to use more than one is greatly increased?

2) Peter used invisible and TK in strip bar while talking to Nikki.

3) cold power was exhibited on one of Molly's parents in 1st crime scene that mind reader visited ( one body stuck to wall with cutlery, one frozen solid in chair).

That is as far as i have gone in the series, maybe i will have more after i see the other episodes.


We got Questions? Who got answers?

Here are a few of our think tank (and I use that term loosely) Heros Universe questions. Most can likely be answered by re-viewing the episodes.

Can Silar use two or more powers at once?
Can Peter use two or more powers at once?
Where did the cold power come from?
What is the nature of space time in the Hero's universe?
Who is the bigger, badder boogeyman?
What is the nature of the BBBoogymans power?

Welcome to Dan and Wes!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Howdy from Jerry

Hello interwebtubes, from me.

Our plan here is to excrete upon the world wide web all of our stupidest theories and musings as to the plot development of all of our favoirte tv shows. A noble mission to be sure, but rest easy gentle reader, in all likelihood we will lose interest fairly soon and move on to greener pastures. As it were.
