Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bad Math?

Don't read if you haven't watched last night's episode yet...

From the beginning of the season, we've been told there were originally 30 of them, but only 9 of them were left. We're led to believe that they are the original group of heroes from back in the day.

In addition, we know someone is trying to finish them off, and he's sending them snippets of a picture taken when they were together.

Last week, we learned that Parkman's father is among the group, and that he may be the "nightmare man" that haunts Molly.

We learn this week that his dad does indeed have powers, like Parkman, but he has taken the ability much much further. He is the nightmare man. And, at the end of the Parkman storyline, they find another picture with the mark on it. It's Bob, one of the others still alive, which implies that Parkman's dad is the one offing the others.

Since he can induce nightmares at any time in anyone, that makes sense. He created one for Ando and Hiro's dad that showed a figure pushing him off the roof. From a complete outsider's perspective, maybe we would have seen Hiro's dad back himself up to the edge and over the roof. It also explains how he could get to Mrs. Petrelli in the middle of a police station and escape. He wasn't there. He pulled a "freddy" and induced some type of nightmare.

But, here's something else. In the beginning of the episode, they give us a glimpse of the complete photo of the "nine." I froze it and counted. This is what I came up with:

From Left to Right

Linderman (dead)
Charles (dead)
Petrelli Sr. (presumed dead)
Mrs. Petrelli
Hiro's Dad (dead)
Unknown Male
Unknown Male
Unknown Female
Parkman's Dad

So, we've got 10 people in the photo, with three unknowns. But, we know that three of these guys are dead before the beginning of the season. That leaves seven.

If there are truly nine left (well, eight), then who are the others? We know who three of them are. We have images of three more, but that leaves two unknowns.

Is the invisible guy one of them? Let's assume he is, but that still leaves one left.

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