Sunday, September 16, 2007

How to Stop an Exploding Man

So, that's the end of the first season, er, Volume. So my idea didn't come to fruition, but I'm still confused how Hiro, with the changes made in the past by saving the cheerleader, still went to a bad future?

Most everything was resolved, except for a few minor things, like, who can't Molly think of? What went down the manhole? What's Hiro doing in ancient Japan? ( seriously, he really needs to hone his use of time travel ) What exactly happened with Nathan and Peter? Why do all the people who can see the future see the bomb still going off and it being Peter? Or were the flashes in Sylar's eyes that vision that he knew he would be killed?

This has been a great week catching up. It's like how my wife and I got sucked into LOST. We missed the first half the season, but caught up mid-way through via the magic of Tivo ( we had every episode but the pilot, and it re-ran during the winter break, so over Christmas we caught up ). The rush is being able to immediately go to another episode after a good cliffhanger helps hook you even better than having to wait the week.

But this season, we'll be watching in time. Can't wait until the 24th.

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