Sunday, February 24, 2008

Lost Producers talk more Season 4

Here's an interview about the remainder of season 4 with the producers of Lost. There are some spoilers in here: more info about what's going on overall and where the season is leading. Good stuff.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Whoa, what the hell happened?

It would appear us Truthers all decided to take a long collective break from posting about our favorite shows. Or quite possibly we couldn't be pulled from the suck that was Heroes Season 2. Not that it was all bad, but compared to the first season, the start of season 2 was a major yawn.

Now, I've been too blown away by the first 3 episodes of the 4th season of Lost. After last night, I'm feeling like I did during that first season. I love the feeling of wanting next Thursday to already be here. I didn't feel that very much over the past 2 seasons. Especially during the love triangle portion of season 3.

The plot, while prompting lots of new questions, just feels faster paced now. Edge of your seat, like something crazy is going to happen every second.

I'm going to save my questions and theories for another post, but I felt compelled to get something back up on this blog. Hopefully the other truthers will also come out of their posting slumber. I think we have a lot consider and discuss over the 5 remaining episodes of Lost.