Saturday, May 26, 2007


So, we know that "book 2" is going to look into generations. The last few episodes have shown us that these abilities (or at least, the chance to have them) has been passed from parent to child.

We know of four family lines that demonstrate this:
1) Molly's family - one of her parents had ice powers
2) The Petrellis - The mother has some sort of "influencing" ability. Peter and Nathan have powers, and Claire has powers.
3) DL/Niki and their son Micah all have powers
4) Hiro and his father. We haven't seen exactly what Hiro's father can do, but he seems to be perfectly aware of Hiro's power.

This would lend itself to suggest that all of the characters we've seen have inherited their powers from their parents.
At the same, there are others who have powers that are unknown to the groups looking for them, which are:
1) Linderman
2) The "agency" that Claire's dad work(s)(ed) for
3) Suresh

We know Parkman, Ted and cyber-chick, did not exhibit their abilities until after they were "captured" by Claire's dad. What we don't know is:
1) Did they have the powers initially and the agency somehow triggered them?
2) Did the agency give them their powers?

Another fun thing to consider. How are Linderman and the "agency" locating these people?
Linderman may have been part of the earlier generation of heroes - so he can track some of them through family ties. We also know that Linderman is working with the Petrelli's mother.
They have created the plot to put Nathan into power. He also knows about Niki and DL, and somehow knows that their son Micah will have the power he needs to rig the election. How does he know this? We know powers are passed on from parent to child, but so far, the power inherited appears to be random. So, could it be that there's another character, like Issac, who can see the future?

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