Saturday, May 26, 2007

More Questions

Here are a couple of more questions to ponder regarding Sylar.
1) What was his first power?
2) Did he have powers initially? I could have sworn that in the first couple of episodes Suresh's father had performed some type of test on Sylar and it was negative.
3) If question 2 was false - and he did not have powers at first, how did he get them?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think he:

1) Had the power to 'fix' things, or to tell whether something was broken -- For example, he just knew that "Papa" Suresh's watch was broken.

2) I think he's had the powers, on some level, for awhile. But who knows what the tests were looking for? "Knowing if something is broken" as a power wouldn't feel like a power to me.

Just my 2 cents -- Any thoughts now that the season is over?