Sunday, September 23, 2007

Unaired Pilot Episode

If you have bought the Heroes Season 1 DVD set, on the first disk is the unaired original version of the pilot. About 85% of this episode is the same as the first episode ( but it contains parts of the first 3 ), which one major plot difference. In this version, there's a whole terrorist angle for the cause of the bomb in New York. This replaces the Molly Walker portion of the plot, but leaves in Matt Parkman. In this version, Parkman finds a terrorist hidden in the house where he will find Molly in the actual version of the show. In fact, they apparently recast his wife and cop buddy for the final version of the show. And instead of Detective, he's trying to make the SWAT team.

My wife and I both agree this version of the story is not nearly as interesting as the one that aired. Having the terrorists being the source of the bomb would have been very tired. The one thing that struck us is that they went through all this production and after viewing realized they needed to change it. I need to listen to the commentary on that episode to see what they might have to say about why they changed it.

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